BOX3 was born from the necessity of offering an integral service within the industry.
Throughout the years we have realised that the clients who came to Ibiza to build their houses were spending too much time searching for materials around the island instead of enjoying the beach and our beautiful spring.

Our interior design showroom has been thought and conceived by an architect. In our beginnings, we started offering more technical products such as bathrooms and kitchens. However, little by little we have integrated other elements to have a complete and more customized offer for the client who comes from abroad.
We capture the essence of the client’s dream and demands and interpret it with our own methodology, giving coherence to his/her ideas. We work intensely on big concepts, applying it to all areas.
Once the working approach has been defined in our offices, we prepare a clear and comprehensive proposal. This includes photos and drawings so the client can follow the concept visually and in detail, avoiding unnecessary trips to the island.
During the production stage, we are much more operative because we have a global vision of the project. We coordinate the building agenda better, thus optimising timings. We speak four languages, facilitating the communication between the client, the builders and suppliers.

Our idea is not to offer and work with too many products and brands. We have made a pre-selection of what we like, everything chosen with a functional and aesthetic approach. You will not find a vast variety of taps, flooring, windows, finishes, but you will find a careful selection of materials in a professional yet relaxed atmosphere.
We are from Ibiza and have the same products as in the big cities with the advantage of knowing the difficulties of working on an island. We regularly attend industry fairs in search of new trends and products. We complement our offer with local companies, carpenters and artists.
We learn from our clients.
We have clients from all cultural backgrounds who feed us daily with ideas, suppliers, inspirations. We learn from different cultural approaches. We are enriched and enhanced by the cosmopolite aspect of the Ibiza scene. We have clients from France, Syria, Egypt, Turkey, Russia, Ukrania, Germany, Austria, Holland, Dubai, Italy, Argentina, El Salvador, Colombia and we learn from their experiences and their cultural diversity.
“We are worldwide and local at the same time”